of Thread & Story…

here, stories are waiting, wanting, dreaming of being told, of words and thread, warp and weft, weaving their magic into the world.

Jo Smith

Will you walk with me into this ancient woodland, listening with open ears to the wind and the trees as we wander? Will you sit with me by the fire and speak these stories as we stitch them into the fabric of our lives?

In and of nature, offering a different way to be, a place to be vulnerable and afraid, yet a safe place to overcome these fears. A space to explore love and connection and hope.  

This is my gift to the world.

  • Of Thread...

    Bringing the stories that are waiting to be told to life with needle and thread, stitch by stitch, connecting the threads of the world together, connecting me to nature through my hands touching the energy of plants and berries used to dye the threads…

  • Of Story...

    Listening to the voices of nature whispering long forgotten wisdom. To bring light and healing through the voices and stories of animals, birds and trees, of other than human beings, where every stone and feather has its own story waiting to be told…

  • Of Wandering...

    Deeply connecting myself and others to the universe, listening with open ears to the stories carried on the wind and the whispers in the forests as I walk and wander amongst the trees. Collecting fallen leaves, nuts and berries to use in my work…

An ancient woodland, full of mystery and story. Full of trees, many different trees, trees rooted deeply into the dark earth, birds singing the world awake and singing it back to sleep again. Full of the bright and the beautiful and the dark and the mysterious. A stream threading its way through the earth, the life blood of the forest. All working together to create a story, their story. Will you enter the woodland? Will you stay a while and listen to the stories of the trees and the birds? Will you sit by the stream and speak with the stars? Allow the rain to fall and the wind to blow and speak of what they know? Each speaking in a different voice, each part creating a story, a message that wants to be shared. Each part coming from the beating heart, being called upon to speak up. No part can flourish without the others, each giving colour and layers, bringing richness and fullness. 

Jo Smith